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Deal Spotlight

Financing for Fuel Conversion in Brooklyn Affordable Multifamily Housing

$ 0
Annual cost savings
0 %
Projected energy savings
0 %
Projected GHG savings

The Building: Spencer Place

Building type
Affordable multifamily

Building size
1 building
4,500 square feet
5 units

Year built

Brooklyn, NY

Project type
Energy efficiency and fuel conversion

Lighting and fuel conversion

NYCEEC loan product
Equipment loan

5 years

Closing date
August 2013

The Project

The project was a retrofit of the affordable multifamily building in Brooklyn. The building owner sought to save money and improve building performance by implementing energy upgrades recommended in its NYSERDA energy audit.

Total Project Cost




Annual Savings


The Results

Spencer Place upgraded its building systems at no initial cost and was able to increase tenant comfort with minimal disruption. The building is now greener and better-performing.